Recognitions by Ciarb

Dorothee Schramm has been recognized by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Ciarb) as a Fellow (FCIArb via the Experienced Practitioner Route) as well as a member of the Faculty for the Ciarb Virtual Diploma in International Commercial Arbitration led by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Wahab. The course took place across 4 weeks starting 3 May 2024.

DIAC Panel of Arbitrators

Dorothee Schramm has been included on the list of arbitrators of the Dubai International Arbitration Centre (DIAC).  After handling numerous cases in or relating to the Middle East, she is happy to continue accepting appointments under the DIAC Rules as an independent arbitrator.

CEDR Mediator Accreditation

Dorothee Schramm has achieved the Mediator Accreditation by the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR), a leading institution specialised in the resolution of commercial disputes.  While Dorothee Schramm continues to focus on her work as an arbitrator, the mediator accreditation recognizes an additional skillset that she puts at the parties’ disposal as an alternative to arbitration.

WWL Recognitions

Who’s Who Legal has once again recognized Dorothee Schramm as a Global Leader in Arbitration 2023 and as a Thought Leader in Arbitration 2023. WWL says that “Dorothee Schramm receives worldwide endorsements for her first-rate arbitration practice” and quotes one peer as saying “Her briefs are the best ones I’ve ever read.”